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Lesson 3a - Posture Drill

To create an athletic posture position place your piece of vinyl down on the ground (even though this golfer is demonstrating this outside I suggest you do this inside on a hard floor) and setup to a ball with a driver.

Then once you're all set making sure your grip and ball position are correct then I want you to stand up straight and place the club across your upper thighs as this golfer is demonstrating below.

Once in this position I then want you to take the straightness out of your knees...

...and then I want you to simply move your buttocks back a few inches as though you are about to sit down.

Then move your left hip just slightly (about an inch or two) towards the target.

Because by doing this it automatically tilts your spine to the right and this position is going to make it easier for you to shift and turn your hips out of the way on the downswing.

OK, once you've done this I then want you to place the driver back down on the ground as you would when setting up to the ball. And you may find after doing this that you have to move either closer or further into the ball and that's fine. Just get comfortable.

Also, the clubface of your driver should NOT be flat on the ground (this advice applies for all other clubs as well). The toe of the clubface should be slightly raised.


Because at impact (when swinging) your hands will be in a higher position at impact than they were at address. So by having the toe of the clubface off the ground at setup it means you have a much greater chance of the clubface being soled squarely when it contacts the ball.

Also, here is another misconception about the setup. And that is your back should be perfectly straight i.e. military style. Well it shouldn't because it's natural to have rounded shoulders, as this allows you to be relaxed and just let your arms hang down naturally.

OK, how far should you be from the ball? Well, click here to find out.




Copyright 2011- Present Jeff Richmond
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